Low cost risk management
Professional investment advice
You do not want to discover the limitations imposed on you by the issuing carrier at the time you need it most. Our annuity cost analysis will detail for you, in a customized report; all costs associated with your contract, all available independent ratings, issuer history, and provide specific recommendations on how to advise you on the best possible way to unlock the most value in your contract.
Income distribution strategies are among the most valuable things to know in a “post accumulation” phase of life. In addition to these deliverables, you receive an additional one hour private consultation to answer your questions and discuss your annuity contract and our report(s) in detail.
We currently are appointed to represent some of the most widely known annuity carriers, and have been licensed to represent them in some cases for almost 20 years.
For more information, fax a current statement (within 90 days) to our digitally secured fax number:
(727) 614-8755 with your telephone number and email address or upload your pdf statement copy here.
We will provide our initial response promptly and at no cost or risk to you.